Let's go to discover the beak of the eagle in La Ciotat
I discovered this place because friends advised me. Knowing that I love the magical places of Provence, they told me to go see the Figuerolles cove to discover the Eagle's Beak. I did not know La Ciotat well, it is true that I stopped more often in Cassis and I was wrong, so the panoramas are so beautiful. So it's true that the city of La Ciotat, with its shipyard Naval can be less dreamy than Cassis and his fishing village, but the atmosphere is so nice, that we can not resist a meal on the port, the evening after a day of hiking.
Photo Tip
During a photo hike, the wrong time to take pictures is between 10am and 4pm. Indeed, the sun being at the highest, the contrasts are too important.
In this picture, I was facing the sun with a large flare. I had to use a Neutral Density gradient filter to decrease the contrast between the overly bright sky and the beach in the shadows. Another impact of taking a picture against the light, it decreases the color saturation because the shutter speed becomes very high (about 1 / 2000th s), it will be necessary to underexpose to bring out the colors.
The departure is at the parking lot of the creek of the great Mugel. In summer, it's quite crowded, and the parking is paying. I advise you to come early to find a place.
You can go down towards Grand Mugel Cove and discover a nice little beach, nice in the morning, a little more lively from 12h. While strolling in the park of Muguel, you will be able to discover the dry cove with a pretty sight on the green island. I have not found the Muguel Park extraordinary and the view from the Belvedere is not worth the effort to get there. I advise you rather to continue the hike towards the cove of Figuerolles.
Just walk up and follow the avenue du Mugel towards the Figuerolles cove. After 15 minutes of quiet walking, you arrive on a beach quite easy to access and therefore very busy in summer and the beautiful days of winter.
The Figuerolles cove
You can continue the walk to the chapel of Notre Dame de la Garde following the road aptly named Chemin Notre Dame de la Garde and discover a splendid panorama on La Ciotat on the left and off, on the right, the road of the ridges which leads to Cassis.
I like to wait for the sunset. It is a privileged moment where I let my mind wander, I listen to the song of birds, life is busy around me before the sun goes down. In short, I take advantage of the moment.
The cliff faces
I also like to observe the cliffs, I always discover giants who are hiding. I know it's my imagination, but I like to think that beneath these piles of stone are energies that the wind discovers over time.
Look a little closer, above the semaphore, do not you see a profile face that looks at the mountains in the distance, and a little lower, under the white line, I also see a face that scans the horizon.
Looking good, I am that we will find some more.

My name is Enzo and I am the author of this Blog turned on photography and my passion of Provence. If you are, like me, in love with this region, I invite you to follow my discoveries, my advice to discover Provence and you are inspired by my experience.
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